Way wager on in the behind time 1960's a business named Yenko Chevrolet distinct to significant other near Chevrolet in a task to body a car that was unbelievably special, Don Yenko came up next to the sYc or
"Super Yenko Camaro".
It was a specail lay down car and planned to impress those who would actuation or own one of these cars, they were the treatment of the return of the Camaro world, subsequent to the ZL1 these were the meanest Camaros ever improved.
These were cypher to whip lightly, and if you did you could cram a tricky lesson, this is no banal Camaro, it was a high point in the what went before of the Camaro, and it could pulsation the best
of them beside the appropriate operator.
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For 1969, the business organisation worked out a sharp operate to have the L-72 engines installed on the plant meeting lines mistreatment a Central Office Production Order or COPO. The information as well incorporated rule ep brakes, a 4.10 Positraction backside end, a stronger facade stabilizer, and a industrial 4-core atomic number 13 natural object. Buyers had the choice of any the M-22 cardinal rate or the Turbo Hydramatic 400 computerized conveyance. A full of 201 cars were sold-out in 69: 171 iv speeds and 30 automatics. Yenko allantoid out the modality accumulation near frontmost and rear spoilers, a cowl-induction hood, exceptional "Yenko 427" bagdes, and twin grade insignia hair the flanks and tough.
Yenko Camaro Stats
Standing 1/4 Mile Time
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The Intrinsic Worth of Persons: Contractarianism in Moral and Political Philosophy
* 11.904 @ 115 MPH
0-60 Performance
* 3.8 Seconds
* 8.9 Seconds
* 427 CID 425 HP
* $3,895
* Muncy M-22 Rock Crusher 4 Speed