Out of a Ghouls Hive
"They awful red..."The King said,
As was on all pilaster in the kingdom; thus,
"A abiding magnitude of red appeared..."
(so he aforementioned) "...red, red is where
Death occurs."
One support she noticed had a buoyant shade-
Another dark; one pilaster was covered
With red, the next, unbelievably sparse.
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Said Brandy-"Some houses are red"
"Yes," ascended the King,
"And into of these houses is death"
(and at hand were abundant).
Replied Brandy-"Ghouls of the murdered?"
Replied the King, "And every murderers."
As they talked-they stirred from
Shaft to shaft; she never looked
Behind her back; she ne'er noticed-
The Ghouls, wherever they were at...
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All disguised in corners like-minded rats,
Waiting for a second to attack;
Thus, they paced and combed the floor
Talking mutually they halted at the door
A xii of them awaited her...
Brandy could not supposition all this-
No safe or dingy greetings
Just red, red: pillars, doors and floors.
The ghouls patterned their way through
The pillars and floors, irritated gloomy...
Brandy approached, she was singular
As she round-eyed the door, slowly,
Intimidation came instantly
A ghoul's ft appeared and, and
They confiscate her, yanked her violently
Through the red room, now
Surrounded by sinister ghouls...
They would have dead her on the spot-
But did not: Azaz'el, wicked creature
From above, fell in emotion... (the hesitancy)
For his gratification, she lay
Beneath his wings, no hop remained.
Part Two: Colored Stones
Now set into trichromatic stones,
And sounding similar to a valuable gem-
She change state ornaments for the wicked
And the leading light Azaz'el
They wore her upon their chests
Examined her in the halls of foolishness
Spoils of war...so it was said
Her being was cut up into red pieces
Of ain adornments,
Many now wore her as a solid
Red gem, she was...was
In a regular hive
Of Ghoulish murderers... almost
But not quite, not moderately dad: yet.
they loitered nigh on this lot,
Around the Kingdom similar to corpses:
With yellowish substance teeth,
Spears in hand-
Claw similar to fingernails; wings, like bats;
Wings mounted on their backs;
Barbwire Necks, monthlong same chickens.
What was the secret, the secret?
Beyond the extermination of red, to hedge it?
Brandy needed to know, but no one
Spoke of it-
smeared near blood, the woman
Appeared from concealment
(no longer in the gems)
"The avenger," he whispered:
"Now indeed will you die?"
"I should have died," she replied
"Alone in the Red Room!"
I know the way," replied the missy.
Eyes schoolwide opened, now advisable.
Part Three: The Mind
Dark it was, as she jumped into the river
A unexpected inspiration, a overvaliant leap
A mission inside in her psyche.
"I am not afraid," aforesaid the girl
(not in no doubt who she was conversation to);
There was no much fear, of danger
Or of safety, she had remunerated her dues.
at the end of the city
the King did wait-
"Come," he voiceless to himself,
"Come, I wait!"
The King's area paralleled the river:
And so overgrown near the leaves of green
She was not seen...
When she rumination she was opposite
The point, wherever the monarch stood
She sought, and found a doorway-
And present she prayed! A lightheaded light
From above revealed Serr'el,
And angel of light-
Stooping, he upraised her up to him
As a rat leaped on by-
"Poor devil," she cried.
#935 11/23/05